Homestead Declarations

(c) Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Applicant and Family Information

Haefke, Augusta, widow

Hagan, Mary; Henry

Hagemann, Judith E.; Victro

Hagmayer, Beatrice; Gotlieb

Haigh, Emma; Edwin

Hakes, Rebecca; Door

Hale, M. N.; Mary J.

Hall, Agnes; Charles H.

Hall, Albert A.; wife

Hall, Amos T.; wife

Hall, David W.; married

Hall, Lowry B.; married; (2/28/1880; E-11, E-55)

Hall, Mary Ann; husband; 3 children; (8/19/1876, C-548)

Hall, Mildred Eunice; George David Hall, husband

Hall, Nellie C.; John H.

Hall, Robert K., married

Hall, Sarah D.; M. V.

Halloran, Edward; Duranda

Halloran, Mary, married

Hamilton, Geo. W.; wife

Hamilton, Harriet; Guy S.

Hamilton, Mida M.; William J.

Hamlin, Carmen A.; Roscoe E.

Hamm, William, married

Hammell, Henry H.; Leurnia

Hammer, M. B.; Mary

Hampton, Clara E.; Herbert H.

Haney, Ella J.; Frank

Hanford, Mary E.; Edwin D., Sr.

Hanna, James G.; Mary P.; (F-523)

Hannan, Patrick, married

Hansen, Christian; wife; (9/12/1902, I-414)

Hansen, John Peter; wife

Hansen, Louisa; aka Jones, widow

Hansen, Margaret; Wm.

Hansen, Pauline W.; husband, Henry W.

Hanson, Ellen, married

Hanson, Jennie A.; E. P.; (F-358)

Hanson, Mary; Ole

Hanson, Nettie P.; John F.

Hanson, Wm.; wife

Haratzthy, Agostan; Elenor (Abandonments)

Harbin, Leander (Harbine); married

Harden, Parley, widower

Hardesty, Clarinda Ann; Charles W. (F-415)

Hardin, Bridget F.; William (E-417; E-508)

Hardin, Clara E.; William G.

Hardin, J. A.; Agnes

Harding, Edwin H.; family

Harding, Ellen; widow of Wm. A.

Hardt, H. W.; wife; (G-82; L-153; F-449)

Hardy, Olive H.; Jonathan

Harman, L. N.; Martha

Harmer, Will L.; wife, M. Effie; children: Lillian, Clara, Margaret

Harmon, Elizzie; F. V.

Harney, Sarah; John H.

Harper, Evilina M., married

Harrington, May; husband, Frank W. (daughter, Clara L.)

Harris, E. D.; Maud E.; 3 children; (L-4)

Harris, George, married

Harris, Jacob; Phebe

Harris, M. A.; T. M., husband

Harris, Mary E.; R. A.; (J-18; H-629)

Harris, Mrs. Hattie; J. W.

Harris, Phebe; Jacob ;(G-257)

Harris, Sarah E.; Sidney E.

Harris, Thomas S.; wife

Harris, Zela Zoe; James Wm.; son, Orin H., 8 yrs.

Harrison, G. R.; Alice V.

Harrison R., married

Harrison, Wm. H., married

Hart, Amelia Allen; Emmett

Hart, Frankie; husband, R. C.

Hart, Louisa M.; Henry H.

Hart, Marion, wife

Hart, Phoebe; Emmet; (12/20/1904, abandonment B-20)

Harter, Bloomfield; wife Mary I.

Hartman, Hattie; William D.

Hartzell, J. W.; wife

Harvey, L. B., married

Harvey, R. A., married

Hasek, Karla; Frank J.

Haskell, Barnabus; Abigail A.; (3/26/1874 C-298)

Haskell, Charles; wife

Haskell, Wm. H.; Abbie J.

Haskins, Robt.; wife

Haskins, T. J., married

Haskins, T. J.; and wife (insolvent debtor: Court record: "Haskins & Caldwell"; (4/2/1888, F-459)

Hassett, Ora T.; wife

Hassett, Sarah E.; widow; minor grandchild, Nellena Walker

Hastings, Emily; F. D.

Hastings, Martha A.; Joseph C.

Hatch, M. J.; wife

Hatfield, James M.; Mary Ellen

Hatfield, Marietta; John

Hathaway, Harriet N. E.; Jeffrey N.

Hausmann, Catherine; Ernest A.

Hawkins, Margaret A., widow of Jesse

Hawthorne, A. C.; husband, J. G.

Hayden, Catherine P.; husband, E. W.

Hayden, Stephen C.; Charlotte

Hayes, Annie; John

Hayes, Emily M.; J. D.

Hayes, Mary, widow

Hayne, Julia; Patrick

Hays, Mrs. Mary Jane, married

Hays, Robert K., married

Hayselden, Thomas; wife

Hayward, D. L.; Mary; (7/27/1875, D-425; D-376; probate)

Hayward, Jonathan B.; Mrs. Dorleski E.

Haywood, Robert E., married

Hazelton, Edson R.; Mary E.; one child

Hazen, Frank; Myra F.; (L-348)

Headley, Mrs. H. C.

Heald, Thomas T., married; (D-272)

Healey, Eugene J.; Susan A.; 2 children

Heath, Wm. A.; wife

Hebbron, James R.; Eleanor Hebbron

Heckley, Olive D.; T. B.

Hedges, N. M. & wife; L. C. H. Hedges; (8/4/1879 D-446)

Hedricks, Sarah Jane; Joseph

Heffelfinger, W. J.; Laura J.

Heffelfinger, W. J.; Hannah

Heffron, A. H.; wife

Heffron, Albert; Sarah; (4/22/1872 C-87)

Heidt, Jeannie; John Jacob

Heintz, August Henry; Hermine; 6 children former marriage;

  Hermine's 4 children by her former marriage

Heisel, Ellen; Paul

Heizer, Robert, married; (9/10/1873 C-223)

Hellwegen, Pauline; husband, Henry A.

Helm, Mary E.; Thos. A.

Helman, Minnie; William dec'd abt 10 May 1908

Helman, Wm; wife

Hemenway, Alice; D. D.

Hemminger, Benjamin F.; Carrie Ruth

Henderson, Harriet; William

Henderson, I. M.

Hendley, John; Harriet E. Case Hendley

Hendley, Laura A.; W. G.

Hendrick, E. W., married; (1/2/1873 B-621)

Hendricks, J. M.; wife

Hendrix, Susan A.; Edwin U.

Henelly, Ellen; Patrick

Henley, S. B.; wife

Hennessey, David; Johana Hennessey (Harrison)

Henninger, Henry; Dora

Henretty, Catherine; Patrick (Hanrety)

Henry, Cora L.; Isaac B.

Henry, James, (insolvent debtor, H-210); (F-274, probate)

Hereford, John (order setting aside homestead)

Hermann, Margaretha B.; Max.

Herrington, James, married

Herrmann, Barbory; Christopher

Hervey, Alice; N. B.

Hess, J. M.; Charlotte

Hess, Louisa; Frederick

Hevel, Christopher; wife

Hevel, Persis A.; Elmer L.; (L-382)

Heyward, Nettie; Henry

Hibbitts, Amilia F., widow of Michael; (G-110; G-382; F-602)

Hickey, Frank P.; wife

Hickey, Maurice; family

Hickey, Nora; Patrick J. C.

Hickey, P. F.; wife

Hicks, E. S.; wife; (I-438)

Hicks, Lucy B.; O. V.

Hicks, Moses C.; Elizabeth A.

Hiett, Edith, widow of George

Higby, W., by order of court (Note: unable to locate in Book F)

Higby, Wm; wife

Higgins, Mrs. Jennie M.; Henry E.

Hill, Eliza R.; George A.

Hill, J. H. & wife; (Joseph Henry)

Hill, James M., married

Hill, Mary B.; Samuel R.

Himebauch, Jos.; Maria

Hinds, Julia A.; H. B.

Hinkle, Arabella, married

Hinkston, Mary A. E.; Joseph R.; daughters over 18: Annie, Alice; probate

Hirth, Susanna, widow of Frederick

Hixson, John; wife; (K-341)

Hoag, O. H., married; (D-293)

Hoar, Emma Linda; C. A., husband

Hoar, Virginia S.; B. F.

Hobbie, John; wife

Hobbs, Caroline; E. M.

Hobbs, G. W.; married

Hockin, Margaret L.; Wm. H.; (L-322)

Hocklin, A. E.; Wm,, husband

Hodges, H. C.; wife

Hodgkins, Edwin T.; Clora E.

Hoen, Berthold; wife; (E-272)

Hofeldt, Doris (Dorothea); Emil

Hoffer, Augusta; C. A.

Hoffer, Christina; Frederick

Hoffer, Frederick; Christina

Hoffer, Virgil; Gertrude

Hoffman, Frederick Wm., married

Hogan, Thomas; wife; (E-64)

Hogle, Weltha A. G., married

Holcomb, Alfred O., head of family

Hollenbeck, Anita; J. T.

Hollman, Frederick; wife

Holloway, Bessie M.; Geo. K.

Holloway, Richard; Mary A. (Declaration)

Holly, Sidney B.; wife; (1/20/1882 E-183)

Holman, John H.; Margaret

Holman, Margaret J.; John H.

Holman, Nancy A.; widow of Isaac A.

Holmes, Albert, married

Holmes, Annie M., widow

Holmes, Cleta; Calvin

Holmes, H. P.; wife

Holmes, Katie A.; C. J.

Holmes, Lucy; (A-3)

Holmes, Ovid; Ruth; 1 child

Holmes, Sarah A.; Henry

Holt, W. A. S., married; (E-438)

Holton, Mary A.; P. H.; (E-533; probate)

Honor, Bertha M.; Henry

Honsa, Joseph; wife

Hood, Carrie E.; Thomas B.

Hood, Daisy Dean; Benjamin Henry

Hood, John; Florence R.; 4 children

Hooper, P. J., married

Hooton, Jesse; Elizabeth

Hopes, Ellen R.; Edward

Hopkins, E. G., married

Hopkins, Mary; T. J.

Hopper, Telitha; Amos H.

Hopper, Thomas, Jr.; wife

Hopper, Wm.; Talitha

Horn, Frank C.; Mathilda; (Year 1919, M-4)

Horn, John W.; Louise; 3 children: Herbert, Marjorie, Edith W.

Hornbuckle, Thomas J., single

Horne, Annie F.

Horr, Sarah A.; Riley J.

Hottinger, Catherine; husband, B.

Hough, Clark A.; Elizabeth Ann

Houseley, Jos. W.; wife

Howard, Horace A.

Howard, S. D., married

Howe, Chas. J.; Maude; (G-55)

Howe, E. A., married

Howe, Louisa; Geo. G. ;(I-355); probate

Howe, Maude; Charles J., dec'd; minors: Babe & Howard

Howe, Phillip, married

Howell, John G.; Annie B.

Howell, L. V. H., widower & family

Hoyt, Elijah, married

Hoyt, Leah Louise; Frank L.

Hoyt, Ora M.; Henry Auren

Hubbard, Sarah J., married

Huber, Emma; Henry

Hudson, Ann; Samuel

Hudson, Frank W.; Eliza Jane

Hudson, Henry W., insolvent debtor; probate

Hudson, Mrs. M. E.; Martha & family

Hudson, Thomas; Mary Catherine

Hughes, Ada C.; Humphrey

Hughes, Arthur R.; wife

Hughes, Ernest J., single

Hughes, Hugh; Monica; Christiana Doratha Carolina

Hughes, Mary J.

Hughes, Mrs. H. J.; (Emma A.); children

Huie, Geo. W.; Sallie E.

Hulbert, Chas. J., head of family

Hulbert, H. Perry; wife

Hulbert, Wm.; Lydia; (12/27/1866 B-59)

Humphrey, Ora May; Walter S.

Humphries, Catharine, married

Humphries, Catherine; Charles

Humphries, Charles, married; (F-51)

Hunnewell, G. A.; wife

Hunt, Andrew, married

Hunt, Benjamin W.; Elizabeth Y. Sullivan Hunt

Hunt, Charles; Sophia; (10/13/1876 D-43; E-304)

Hunt, Cora Belle; Paul

Hunt, Wm. J., head of family

Hunter, John

Huntly, G W., divorced; (5/25/1896 H-426)

Huntly, Joseph; Keziah

Huntoon, Sarah; Philander

Hunziker, Jane; G.

Hurd, Geo. W.; Cora

Hurd, John; Estella

Hurlbut, Edwin T. M.; wife

Hurlbut, Helen; E. T. M., husband

Hurst, Henry J.; Sarah H.

Husler, Alvois; wife

Husler, E. A.; wife, Dora; Elwin, 19 yrs.; Dorothy, 15 yrs.

Hutchings, Mary; Thomas

Hutchinson, Elsie May; Samuel J.

Hutchinson, Geo. A.; wife

Hutchinson, Maude; Lawrence

Hutton, Chas. E.; wife, S. E.; (B-675; C-574)

Hyde, Patrick; wife

Hylton, Deborah R., widow

Hylton, Theodore de Marmaduke; Sarah C.

Martin, Ella B.; Henry