Homestead Declarations

(c) Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Applicant and Family Information

Paaskesen, Meller

Paine, John; Emeline A.

Paladini, A.; Teresa; 5 children

Palmer, Elias B., married

Palmer, Eliz. A.; C. H.

Palmer, Geo. B., married

Palmer, James M.

Palmer, Martha A., nee: Mardis; James Palmer

Palmer, Rebecca; Jasper C.

Palmer, Sophie L.; E. S., husband

Parasso, G. B.; wife

Pari, or Pear, L., married

Paris, Wilhelmine

Parish, Wm.; family

Park, Ellen A.; Alvah W. (8/6/1883, E-360)

Park, Geo. W.; Mary L.; probate

Park, Theo. T.; Lizzie C.

Parker, Cynthia A.; Freeman

Parker, Edwin C.; married; 2 children

Parker, E. D., married

Parker, Eliza A.; Freeman

Parker, Frances S.; J. C.

Parker, James; married

Parkerson, C. J.; wife

Parkinson, Chas. E.; Rosa L.; 1 child

Parks, A. H.; wife

Parr, Barbara; John

Parrish, David F.; wife

Parrish, Sarah E.; married

Parrish, Wm.; wife

Parsons, John M., head of family; Mary M. (10/11/1906, K-6;

  5/12/1913, K-504)

Parsons, Harriet M.; John M.

Parsons, Mary (B Probate Book lost); probate

Parsons, Orren V.; Mary F.

Passarino, G.; Luvisa

Pastor, H. E.; Nellie S.

Patten, Charles C.; Amelia

Patten, Louisa, Joseph; 7 children (4/23/1877, D-65)

Patten, Penelope J.; Hugh

Patten, P. J.; Hugh (11/5/1867, B-202)

Patterson, A. S., married

Patterson, Mary Bell; widow of Andrew; 6 children

Patterson, Wm., married (2/29/1872, C-54)

Patterson, Wm., single

Patterson, William; Mary

Patton, Carrie L.; Wm. F.

Patton, Eliz. R.; G. W.

Patton, Mollie M.

Pauli, Mary F.

Pauw, Mary, married

Paxton, Jane M.; Blitz

Payne, Anna M.; Jefferson

Payne, Lottie Anna; Daniel H. (9/18/1919, M-3)

Payne, Louis R.

Payran, Stephen; Jane

Peabody, B. F.

Pease, George O.

Peatross, William W., married

Peck, John, Jr.; wife

Peck, Morris; Phoebe (1/11/1896, H-356, different parcel)

Peck, S. S.; wife

Peck, Sarah Adalad; George; 4 children

Peck, Thos. Morris, head of household; 2 minors

Peckelhoff, Henry; wife

Pedrotti, Clara

Pedrotti, Luis; Annabella

Peery, Thos. E.; Sarah A.

Peirce, Job; wife

Penfield, G. P.; Henrietta

Pennine, A. S.; Sarah S.

Peoples, Nathan; wife

Pepin, Louis; Pauline

Perinoni, Esolina; Philip

Perkins, George R.; Mary Ann

Perkins, Louisa, married; 8 children

Perkinson, Ellen F.; J. E.

Perreira, Louisa; Libanno/LiBauno

Perry, A. F.; wife

Perry, Alice L.; H. R.

Perry, Antone; Phoebe A. (1/23/1911, K-363)

Perry, Frank; Mariana (4/2/1908, K-113)

Perry, James A.; wife

Perry, Jane M., married

Perry, John; wife

Perry, Joseph M., married

Perry, Joseph; Maria Philomena, wf.; minors Elsie, Josie, Harry, Isabella, Louise, Frank, Willie (1/6/1913, K-481)

Perry, Wm. H.; Margaret H.

Peter, Arethusa; Silas

Peter, Theresa; Martin

Peters, J.; married

Peters, John T.; wife (insolvent debtor, 4/22/1886, F-248;

  9/5/1885, F-125)

Peters, Jordan/Jourdan; Mary

Peters, W. S.; Jacob

Peterson, Anna Marie; Andrew W. (11/11/1903, I-483)

Peterson, Edwin; wife; 5 children

Peterson, G. H.; Ellen (11/3/1871, B-577; 3/3/1872, C-58)

Peterson, Meta A.

Peterson, Nels; wife

Peterson, Pelina A.; A.

Petit, Alexander P.; Catherine L.

Petit, Henriette; Jacques, dec'd (12/24/1888, D-471, probate)

Petray, Hattie M.; James A.

Petray, Mary L.; George W., dec'd

Petrie, Minnie E.

Petry, Ida; Joseph

Peugh, Christiana A.; James A. (28 Sep. 1876, D-40)

Pflying, Matilda; George (5/23/1888, F-469)

Phelps, Adna, married

Philbee, James; Sarah J.

Philbrook, D. C.; Emma Jane; 3 children

Philips, Eliza; John

Philips, Lula J.; Frank C.; 2 children

Philips, Nancy M.; P. J.; probate

Phillips, Jacob; married

Phillips, Sarah D.; Charles

Philpott, Isabella; Thos. Henry (5/20/1918, L-409)

Philpott, Mary L.; husband J. F.; probate

Phinney, M. E.; Mrs.L.

Phinney, Ollean; Charley

Piatt, Eliza C.; Joseph P.

Picchi, Teresa; Pietro

Pickering, Emma J.; Charles E.

Pickett, Wm.; Catherine B.

Pierce, John K.; Helen Maria; 3 children (9/3/1907, K-70)

Pierucci, Marcello; Alaide

Pilastre, Elisa; Emile

Pippin, T. C.; wife

Pippin, Thos. C.; married

Pitt, J. W.; wife

Pitt, Wm. Ralph; wife; 6 children

Pittroff, Harry C.

Pitts, Henry A.; wife

Pixley, Olive; James

Pleasant, Mary O.; George W.

Plunket, Eleanor; widow

Poff, Cordelia Lillian; Anthony

Poggie, Nannie J.; Frank

Pohley, Henry; Mary

Pohley, Joseph; married

Polk, Charles E.; Josephine

Polliner, Angelina; Francisco

Pomeroy, Lena M.; Campbell

Pometta, V. M.; Victoria C.; 2 children

Pond, Freida F.; C. H.

Ponzo, Margherita; Chiafredo

Pool, Charles A.; Nellie E.

Pool, Jessie E.; Wm. H.

Pool, John, married; 5 children

Pool, Lydia; John, dec'd. (Deeds Book 76; page 70)

Poole, David; wife

Poole, William W.

Poppe, J. A., married (notarized July 25)

Porcher, C. P.; Mary Elizabeth (5/19/1901, I-328; 7/17/1903,

  I-456; 8/13/1904, J-26)

Porter, Ann; Thomas

Porter, Chas. J.; Nettie J.

Porter, Frank C.; Mary C.

Porter, H. M.; Annice/Annico (8/12/1872, B-590)

Porter, Mabel A.; J. F.

Porter, Rose M., widow; 2 children: Oscar, 5 yrs; Edward, 4 yrs.

Porter, Wm. W.; wife

Porterfield, Bessie Marie; William H.

Porterfield, J. W.; Elizabeth J. (Abandonment 5/15/1877,


Potter, Jas. H.

Potter, Thos. P.; wife

Potter, William R.

Pottle, B. N., married

Potts, Ella; Thos. A.

Poulson, Mary; Fred C.

Poulson, Mary

Poulterer, Mina C.; Thomas J.

Powell, Katie Irene; Jesse Rausom, dec'd's father; no children; probate

Powell, R.; wife

Power, Catharine; Wm. I.

Powers, Chas. C.; wife

Powers, David; wife

Powers, David P.; Mary C.

Powers, Frank E.; wife

Powers, Jane; Jess

Powers, Jane; Jessie

Powell, Mary M.; Ransom

Pratt, Eugene F.; wife

Pressey, Daniel G.; married

Pressley, John G.; wife

Prestiss, Ella E.; Arthur O., dec'd; minors: Don C.; Archie D.

Preston, Bessie; Wm. H.

Preston, H. L.; Emily

Prewett, Mary, widow of John

Price, Andrew; wife

Price, J. K.; no family

Priest, Martha

Prince, Peter; wife

Prince, Thos. R.; Abigail S.

Pritchitt, Eliz.; James

Pritchett, G. S.; Ida

Pritchett, Laura Belle; A. W.

Proctor, Catherine; Ira

Proctor, C. B., married

Proctor, Sadie R.; Royal T.

Proctor, Sarah Jane; Charles E.

Proctor, T. W.; wife

Proctor, Verlander C.; husband David D. (abandonment 12/6/1906)

Provines, Alexander P.; Cornelia Bissell

Prows, Daniel, married

Prows, Sylvester W.; Eliz.; (2/27/1890, G-18; 6/6/1896,

  H-436; 7/18/1885, F-97)

Puckett, Mary C.; Edward H.

Purrington, Joseph; Frances (9/27/1894, G-501)

Purrington, Louisa M.

Purser, Edward T.; Ann

Purvine, Walter F.; wife

Putnam, D. W. C.; wf. R. A.

Pyatt, Thomas H.; wife Artemetia